How to Prep your Skin before a Spray Tan
Spray tans aren't just for the pasty winters. My clients love them all year round, especially before their wedding day or before heading to vacation. Whatever your plans, here's how to prep before our appointment.
Tip #1 - Exfoliate
Exfoliate before your appointment with a body scrub or body sponge to help shed any dead skin. The spray tan DHA tints the top layer of your skin proteins, and any dead skin laying around will prevent the formula from sticking on to you long enough. Be sure to exfoliate the day of your appointment as well.
"Start exfoliating every 2-3 days & moisturizing daily before to ensure skin is super hydrated." – St. Tropez
Tip #2 - Moisturize Daily
Moisturize your body daily (but not on the day of your appointment) so you have nice, smooth, hydrated skin. Dry flaky skin can result in an uneven spray tan.
Tip #3 - Go Hairless!
Shave those legs at least 24 hours before your appointment for an even spray tan application. Waxing your lady parts is ok too (if you're getting sprayed in the most of my clients).
Tip #4 - No Moisturizer on Appointment Day
On the day of your appointment, be sure your skin is free from moisturizer, deodorants and makeup. If showering before I arrive, ensure your skin is completely dry and your hair is not wet. Water dripping from wet hair will ruin your tan leaving streak marks undoing the spray tan.
Tip #5 - Stay Away From Water & Sweating
Do not engage in any activities that will produce sweat such as the gym, and you know...bedroom play time, until your first shower after your tan has fully developed. This can be 4 hours or 8 hours, depending on the spray tan service you have selected. Be careful washing your hands - you wouldn't want water spots landing on your arms or chest.
Tip #6 - Wear a Thong or Nothing At All
Most of my girls go full nude - don't worry, I won't make you feel uncomfortable. We're all grown ups and as a woman, I think every human body is beautiful. I'm sort of a GYN at this point. But if you're still not comfy, wear a thong - just make sure it's not lace, or you'll have an interesting pattern for a week.
Can I Get Dressed Afterwards?
Yes you can, and I usually recommend no bra under clothing so a robe or a tank with some yoga pants would be just fine. Technically, yes you can wear whatever you want after your spray tan since your proteins are already tinted, but I find less rubbing off if you steer away from a bra and crew socks.