Meet my God Sister, Jacqueline. She attended the same wedding my company was hired for hair and makeup last week. If you're up for laughs, check her prior makeover video on my IGTV. 😝
🌟 Jacqueline here has a few sun spots from all her years spent on sunny 🏝 vacations. The easy way to prevent them is a face SPF. 🧴
🌟 Got them already? You can apply a brightening serum & moisturizer during the day, which usually has 🍊 Vitamin C. I like those that contain Vitamin C ESTER – because its more potent than traditional Vit C, less acidic, and safe to wear in the sun.
🌟 I recommend the @PerriconeMD Vitamin C Ester Photo Brightening Moisturizer (contains SPF 30) and the @OneLoveOrganics Vitamin C Serum (which can be used as a moisturizer as well).
🌟 If you have sun ☀️ spots, I recommend a full-coverage foundation. I used the Ultra Foundation in # 8 by @FaceAtelier – she’s pretty tan right now but most of my Latina clients 👩🏼👩🏻👩🏽👩🏾fall between a number 4 and 7 range with this line. My friend Stacey put me on to this foundation about 3 years ago and I never went back.
🌟 I usually use it on my 👰🏾 bridal parties since it is pretty water resistant and lasts longer because it’s silicone-based. So it’s great for long ⏰ days…
🌟 It is a dewey 💦 finish, but if you’re oily like me and Jacqueline, you’ll want to set it with a powder. My fave setting powder? Easy. Translucent Setting Powder by @LauraMercier.
🌟 In case you were wondering, I used 2 colors from the 👁 35V Stunning Vibes eyeshadows, one of the original @MorpheBrushes eyeshadow palettes.
🌟 Lid: color “In The Zone” · Crease: “Vixen” · and A LOT of Black Eyeliner.